Ouch! Siberian tigers take down drone

2017-02-23 14:26:03 GMT+8 1059km to Beijing
Editor Shan Yuan
Drones have become increasingly popular for filming wild animals from a close distance. But on Wednesday, one poor drone fell victim to the very subject it was trying to capture: a group of Siberian tigers.
The impressive footage was filmed at the Siberian Tiger Park in northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province. As the drone approached to get close-up footage of the big cats, they chased it down before one agile feline snatched it out of the air. 
Listed as an endangered animal in China, Siberian tigers have seen their number drop sharply in recent decades due to a change in habitats and illegal poaching.
Earlier this month, the Siberian Tiger Park already made international headlines after pictures circulated online of obese tigers at the park. 
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