Beijing warns playing up Taiwan case will harm cross-Strait relations
By Li Qian

2017-04-12 15:23 GMT+8

5km to Beijing

Any attempt to play up the case of a Taiwan male suspected of endangering national security will further harm relations between the mainland and Taiwan, warned An Fengshan, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on Wednesday.
Lee Ming-che from Taiwan is being investigated for suspected activities "endangering national security," the office said in an earlier press conference. 
"Some outside groups in Taiwan have taken the case to attack the mainland, make trouble, and interfere with the investigation," said An, warning these moves will only complicate matters and harm Lee's rights. 
Based on humanitarian considerations, the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) has delivered a letter written by Lee addressed to his wife and parents to Taiwan authorities, stressed An. 
Lee Ching-yu, wife of Lee Ming-che./VCG Photo
During the press conference, An also said the Chinese mainland urges Taiwan to recognize the 1992 Consensus to show their sincerity on improving cross-Strait relations.
An made this remark when he answered a question about reports that the Taiwan side said the hotline between the mainland and Taiwan was suspended because the mainland refused to communicate.
The hotline, which was put into operation in December 2015, has been suspended for Taiwan’s failure to acknowledge the 1992 Consensus after Tsai Ing-wen’s inauguration as leader in May, 2016. 
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