Changing face: Going under the knife in the name of beauty
Updated 11:11, 28-Jun-2018

By CGTN's Brittyn Clennett and Xu Yanqiu

Nowadays, more and more people are going under the knife in the name of beauty. 
The "Wanghong" phenomenon has recently swept across China, referring to girls who become internet celebrities after undergoing stylized physical alterations, mainly to the face, through plastic surgery.
‍With their narrow chins, round eyes and pale skin, they are easily recognized and their lives are changed – superficially, at least – as they become better known and, as a consequence, wealthier. 
However, it has to be remembered that all surgical procedures involve risks, with plastic surgery no exception. Common complications in cosmetic surgery include nerve damage, infection, and organ damage. But those who choose to receive the surgery, say the risks are worth it. 
Jin Weikun, an aspiring actress, is the victim of a string of botched plastic surgery operations. /CGTN Photo

Jin Weikun, an aspiring actress, is the victim of a string of botched plastic surgery operations. /CGTN Photo

However, a taboo about undergoing cosmetic surgery clearly still exists. A recent survey found that only 10 percent of Chinese Internet celebrities owned up to having undergone plastic surgery.