CNN lists 40 most beautiful places to visit in China
By Li Yezi

2017-07-31 22:51 GMT+8

China is advanced in man-made attractions but even more rich in varied geography and natural beauty. CNN Travel in July mapped out 40 places any foreigner traveling to the country should visit. Let’s take a look at the destinations most admired by eyes around the world.

The list is in alphabetical order.

1.         Anhui: Hongcun Ancient Village 安徽宏村

Hongcun Ancient Village / Photo via Internet

Lying under Huangshan Mountain, the village with 900 years’ history maintained its tranquil vibe as well as distinctive Hui style architecture. The village in 2000 was collected in by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO) as a World Heritage Site.

2.         Anhui: Huangshan Mountain 安徽黄山

The mountain was also listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1990.

3.         Fujian: Wuyishan Mountain 福建武夷山

The Wuyishan Mountain was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999.

4.         Fujian: Xiapu Mudflat 福建霞浦

Fujian Xiapu Mudflat / Photo via Internet

5.         Gansu: Echoing Sand Mountain and Crescent Lake, Dunhuang甘肃省敦煌市鸣沙山和月牙泉

Echoing Sand Mountain and Crescent Lake, Dunhuang / Photo via Internet

6.         Guangdong: Fortress Tower, Kaiping 广东开平雕楼

 Fortress Tower, Kaiping / Photo via Internet

The fortress towers at Kaiping were built mostly in early 20th century by outbound locals who brought home the architectural styles they saw abroad.

7.         Guangxi: Yangshuo 广西阳朔

Yangshuo, Guagnxi Zhuang Autonomous Region / Photo via Internet

8.         Guizhou: Huangguoshu Waterfall 贵州黄果树瀑布

9.         Hainan: Guanyin Statue 海南南山海上观音像

The one erected near Nanshan, China’s southernmost mountain is the world’s largest Guanyin statue.

10.     Hainan: Yalong Bay 海南省亚龙湾

11.     Hebei: Chengde Mountain Resort / Rehe Palace 河北承德避暑山庄、热河行宫

The UNESCO World Heritage Site once was a summer palace used by emperors during Qing Dynasty.

12.     Heilongjiang: Saint Sophia Cathedral, Harbin 黑龙江省哈尔滨市圣索非亚大教堂

Saint Sophia Cathedral, Harbin / Photo via Internet

This is the largest Orthodox church in east and southeastern Asia.

13.     Henan: Longtan Valley 河南龙潭大峡谷

14.     Hubei: One Incense Pillar, Enshi Canyon 湖北恩施大峡谷一柱香

Enshi Canyon, Hubei / Photo via Internet

15.     Hubei: Shennongjia 湖北神农架

Shennongjia, Hubei / Photo via Internet

16.     Hunan: Fenghuang 湖南凤凰

17.     Hunan: Zhangjiajie 湖南张家界

18.     Inner Mongolia: Singing Sand Bay 内蒙古响沙湾

Singing Sand Bay, Inner Mongolia / Photo via Internet

19.     Jiangsu: Brahma Palace 江苏梵宫

Braham Palace, Jiangsu / Photo via Internet

20.     Jiangxi: Mount Lu 江西庐山

A UNESCO World Heritage Site from 1996.

21.     Jiangxi: Wuyuan 江西婺源

Wuyuan, Jiangxi / Photo via Internet

22.     Jilin: Heaven Lake, Changbai Mountain 吉林长白山天池

23.     Liaoning: Benxi Water Cave 辽宁本溪水洞

Within the water cave lies the world’s longest underground river at 5.8 kilometers.

24.     Liaoning: Golden Pebble Beach National Resort, Dalian 辽宁金石滩

25.     Ningxia: Sand Lake 宁夏沙湖

26.      Qinghai: Qinghai Lake 青海省青海湖

27.     Shaanxi: Xi'an City Wall 陕西西安城墙

28.     Shandong: Trestle Bridge, Qingdao 山东青岛栈桥

29.     Shanxi: Hukou Waterfall 山西壶口瀑布

Hukou Waterfall, Shanxi / Photo via Internet

30.     Shanxi: Yungang Grottoes 山西云冈石窟

Considered a Buddhist shrine landmark with 1,500 years’ history, the grottoes contain 252 caves and over 51,000 Buddha statues.

31.     Sichuan: Hailuogou Glacier National Park 四川海螺沟

32.     Sichuan: Jiuzhaigou 四川九寨沟

33.     Tibet: Potala Palace 西藏布达拉宫

34.     Xinjiang: Lake Karakul 新疆喀拉库勒湖

Lake Karakul, Xinjiang / Photo via Internet

35.     Xinjiang: Nalati Grassland 新疆那拉提草原

36.     Yunnan: Three Pagodas, Dali 云南省大理崇圣寺三塔

37.     Yunnan: Pudacuo National Park, Shangri-la 云南香格里拉普达措国家公园

Pudacuo National Park, Shangri-la / Photo via Internet

China’s first World Conservation Union acknowledged national park.

38.     Zhejiang: Nanxi River 浙江楠溪江

39.     Zhejiang: Thousand Island Lake 浙江千岛湖

40.     Zhejiang: Yunhe Rice Terrace 浙江云和梯田

Yunhe Rice Terrace, Zhejiang / Photo via Internet

Are any of these destinations on your dream list?