Africans in Guangzhou: Mutual respect is the key for integrating
By Yan Qiong

2017-02-15 18:12:19

1893km to Beijing

By CGTN'S Wu Lei
The southern city of Guangzhou has become one of the largest homes to African businesspeople in Asia. Many Africans are working hard to fit in, but still face many challenges, as cultural clashes with local Chinese occur on a daily basis. 
Liberian businesswoman Julie says many Chinese don't like the smell of their perfume. /CGTN Photo
Julie came to Guangzhou to source clothes and other goods. But she found there are some challenges in getting along with local Chinese residents. "Anytime you get a feel that they make you feel you smell bad, you want to talk to them, sometime you don't know the place, you say hello, they say 'no no no,' just walk away from you. so I think that is the challenge we are having," she told CGTN.
Cultural clashes happen on a daily basis. /CGTN Photo
Since the late 1990s, tens of thousands of African businesspeople have migrated to Guangzhou to find opportunities. But due to different traditions, cultural clashes with local Chinese happen on a daily basis. One Guangzhou taxi driver said, "the odor of their body and perfume mix together to make a very strong smell, and it's not good." A local Guangzhou resident said, "I met a small group of Africans who always fell behind with the rent. But most of them are good people."
Congolese trader Felly Mwamba says mutual respect is the key for integrating. /CGTN Photo
Felly Mwamba has been living in Guangzhou for over 10 years. /CGTN Photo
Felly said living in a foreign country is not easy, and he always offers tips for his fellow African friends to adjust to the new environment. "I always tell my people, this is my word, they know it. I talk to them, please let us try to respect the China law, knowing the mentality of the Chinese people, their culture and what they think, what they do. We will find that China is a good place to live. If you don't respect the law, that means you will be a problem, and then you will say that this place is not good. No, you change yourself before other people."
Professor Liang Yucheng says many Chinese have negative opinions about Africans. /CGTN Photo
Professor Liang Yucheng from Sun Yat-Sen University found that a number of Chinese residents have negative opinions about Africans because there are few chances to have deep communication with them, and most Chinese people know Africans only through limited videos and pictures. "Those who haven't spoken with Africans always have negative opinions based on their limited knowledge and impressions. So I hope the authorities encourage the media to introduce more balanced reports on Africans."
More Africans are expected to do business in China. /CGTN Photo
As China and Africa do more business together, the number of Africans in Guangzhou is likely to rise. All sides want integration to work, because when it doesn’t, everyone suffers. and experts say mutual respect and understanding of their cultures are critical for effective communications between the sides. 