Chinese zoo sets up monument in memory of donkey fed alive to tigers
By Cao Xiating

2017-07-06 12:50 GMT+8

960km to Beijing

A Chinese zoo has created a monument in memory of a donkey that was thrown alive into a tiger enclosure as a form of protest by an angry shareholder.

The incident happened last month at the Yancheng Safari Park in east China's Changzhou city, after a fight during a boardroom meeting spilled into the open with angry zoo shareholders pushing the live donkey into the tiger enclosure in protest over not receiving any returns on their investment.

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The animal fell into a moat in the tiger pit, and two wild beasts soon attacked it, clawing and biting the donkey for thirty minutes.

Video clips and photos of the cruel incident soon went viral on Chinese social media and sparked widespread outrage.

The investors later apologized.
