Protecting the sea: Giant marine sculptures made of ocean waste on display at UN

2017-06-09 19:03 GMT+8
Editor Song Jingyu

Giant sea life sculptures, made with plastic waste and trash collected from the oceans were displayed in front of the United Nations Headquarters in New York on Thursday. /VCG Photo

The sculptures, including a 2.7-meter-tall whale tail, a 1.8-meter-long salmon and a three-meter-tall seahorse, were created by Washed Ashore, a group that focuses on turning ocean debris into works of art. /VCG Photo

The display coincided with the UN's Ocean Conference from June 5 to 9 and World Oceans Day on June 8, and aimed to raise awareness and support the sustainable use of sea resources. /VCG Photo

According to a study in the journal PLOS, there are an estimated 5.25 trillion floating plastic particles weighing 268,940 tons in the oceans. /VCG Photo

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