Government to "rescue" Erhai Lake
By Gong Rong

2017-04-12 12:54 GMT+8

The Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture in southwest China's Yunan Province has announced a year-long project for the construction of a new sewage system that is expected to deal with pollution around Erhai Lake, one of the area’s most popular tourist destinations.
Officials said the project aimed to “rescue” the lake, preserving the quality of its water and protecting it from environmental degradation.
Erhai, located in the ancient town of Dali, covers 253 square kilometers. It is the second largest fresh water lake in Yunnan Province, earning it the name "mother lake."
The lake is also considered a “hidden gem” for its pristine scenery and the traditional ways of its ethnic Bai inhabitants.
Xinhua Photo
About 1,800 businesses, most of them hotels and restaurants, near the “core” of the lake were ordered to close before April 11 as the government began inspections of operating certificates.
These certificates include health, sanitation, and hygiene standards, as well as other documents needed for businesses to function legally.
Businesses lacking the proper paperwork will be forced to close until June 2018 when a new water and sewage treatment plant is expected to be completed. Officials have said current waste treatment systems in the area are not sufficient for the growing number of people who come to visit the lake.
Blue algae caused by pollution in Erhai. /CFP Photo 
A national quality survey found that the area's pollution had grown by more than half since 2004. Pollution levels have increased because of the number of restaurants and hotels opening near the lake.
Household sewage is also usually dumped into the lake, which turned blue due to dangerous levels of algae in January. 
In 2014, two million tourists visited Erhai. Last year, the number of tourists rose to 3.2 million. Many of the lake’s visitors are “smog refugees” or big city residents who go out of town for fresh air. According to local authorities, there are about 580 restaurants and guest houses per square kilometer in the area. 
Erhai Lake is also the main source of fresh water for locals. The lake is capable of supporting 200,000 to 500,000 people. But there are about 860,000 people living around Erhai. 
The construction of the water treatment plant will be completed in several stages.
A couple posed for a wedding photo at Erhai Lake. /CFP Photo  
A guesthouse manager in the nearby village Xizhou said being forced to close would lead to steep losses for many businesses. “Even if we are able to reopen by the end of this year, we would have 600,000 yuan in losses,” he said.
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