HK commerce chief: Hong Kong is alive and well
By Zhao Hong

2017-06-29 12:17 GMT+8

1968km to Beijing

By CGTN's Dong Luojia

July 1 this year marks the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China. Gregory So Kam-Leung, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, is also celebrating his two decades of returning from Canada to serve in Hong Kong. In the past 20 years, he transferred himself from a professional lawyer to a financial chief in the government of the Chinese special administrative region. 

So took office at a time when frictions between the mainlanders and local people in Hong Kong were constantly reported, and a four-million-drop in the number of tourists from the mainland was witnessed.

In an exclusive interview with CGTN's The Point with Liu Xin (@thepointwithlx), So discussed why that is no longer an issue and how he looks into Hong Kong's future.
