Trump era’s first new coal mine opens in Pennsylvania

2017-06-14 09:58 GMT+8 10942km to Beijing
Editor Ai Yan

By CGTN’s Harry Horton

US President Donald Trump has declared a “new chapter” for American coal mining after a new mine was opened in a rust belt county about 60 miles from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The president couldn’t attend the opening in person, but in a video message, he promised the miners he’d make coal great again.

"As you all know and you all saw we have withdrawn the US from the horrendous Paris climate accord, something that would have put our country back decades and decades," President Trump said. "We would have never allowed ourselves to be great again."

A coal mine newly opened in Pennsylvania, US. /Photo by Harry Horton

The coal will be sold to steel companies in the US, Europe and Asia. Local politicians said they want global business, but not global agreements like the Paris accord.

That is what locals say Trump wants Americans to see. New coal mines and new jobs. But the question is, will it really boost the economy, and what’s the cost to the environment?

This mine has created up to 100 new jobs, but bosses insist it could lead to more than 500 indirect jobs.

Environmental groups said that’s minimal and investment in renewable energy makes more sense.

"It's clear in the United States that coal companies are also investing in wind and solar, and so I think the market forces are going to continue to push toward a low carbon future," the National Resources Defense Council's Jake Schmidt said.

President Donald Trump announces his decision to withdraw the US from the Paris climate accord in Washington, DC. /VCG Photo 

Activists and protesters see a new mine as a critical blow at a fragile time for the environment.

What the mine owners want everyone to know is that American coal is back – and Donald Trump is the man to thank.

But as the United States backs away from tackling climate change, the rest of the world might not be listening.

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