CASIC to launch satellite constellation to boost wideband Internet access
By Gao Yun

2017-03-31 14:35 GMT+8

China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation (CASIC) will launch 156 satellites to build a global wideband communications satellite constellation operating an altitude of 1,000 km in low Earth orbit, reported Xinhua on Friday citing the company’s Project Hongyun plan.   
This is the first time China has proposed the establishment of a low-orbit wideband Internet access system based on small satellites, said an official from the project.
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Bei Chao, vice director of Space Engineering System Department at CASIC, likened the satellite constellation to the chassis of a car -- a base on which further construction could be achieved.
It is easier to manufacture small satellites, said Bei, and easier to repair and upgrade at a low cost. Operating at low Earth orbit will better avoid delays in signal propagation, and building the satellite communication operation at 26.5-40GHz-frequency waveband is designed to further improve Internet access speeds.
Project Hongyun consists of three steps. The first is to launch an experimental satellite in 2017, to verify the key technology of a single satellite. Then, four operational satellites are due for launch by the end of 2020 to provide users a tentative experience with the constellation. The final step is to finish construction and make all 156 satellites fully operational by the end of 2025.
CASIC successfully launched a small experimental satellite called Tiankun-1 in March 2017, which paved the way for the three-step project to proceed.