China Foreign Investment: Foreign investment in China expected to have a stable growth in 2018
The scale of China's foreign capital use has increased during the past 5 years and reached record highs in 2017. This is attributed to advancing reforms to delegate power, streamline administration, and optimize government services. Tang Wenhong, director-general of the Ministry of Commerce's foreign investment department, says that inbound foreign investment has been optimized in three ways.
TANG WENHONG, DIRECTOR-GENERAL MINISTRY OF COMMERCE, FOREIGN INVESTMENT DEPT "First, the Chinese government adopted new regulations to build a favorable environment for foreign investors and restored their confidence. Second, foreign investment focused more on high-tech and service sectors, taking a more active role in industrial restructuring and upgrading. Third, more foreign-invested companies were set up in central and western China. An uncertain global political and economic environment will continue to restrict foreign investment inflows in 2018. But we are confident that we can steadily attract foreign investment and further optimize our industrial structure this year."