Real life 'Baymax' robot provides healthcare help in central China's Wuhan

2017-03-24 22:05:15 GMT+8
Editor Cai Mengxiao

The fictional character “Baymax,” who served as a personal healthcare provider in the hit Disney movie “Big Hero 6,” won hearts across the globe thanks to its cute, chubby appearance, friendly and funny nature and professional medical insights. /CFP Photo

Now, it has popped out from the animated film and found its real life incarnation, by debuting at a hospital in Wuhan, central China’s Hubei Province. /CFP Photo

The robot, complete with a rotund white body and adorable cartoon face, has been recently introduced as a guide to answer patients’ questions, sparing them from getting lost in the labyrinth of hospital corridors as they search in vain for consulting rooms. /CFP Photo

The robot, named “Xiao Pang,” currently works for nine hours a day at the hospital, and is able to answer more than 120 questions ranging from the location of specific consulting rooms to treatment processes. /CFP Photo

Besides picking up questions, Xiao Pang was also seen amusing patients with its cute expressions and witty remarks. /CFP Photo

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