Meet the Indian boy who towers above his classmates at nearly 2 meters tall

2017-06-16 12:39 GMT+8
Editor Song Jingyu

Karan Singh, from Meerut in northern India, is believed to be the world’s tallest eight-year-old, with a height of 1.97 meters (six feet six inches). /VCG Photo

The schoolboy has been a record breaker all his life, entering the Guinness World Records as both the heaviest and tallest baby at birth, and then again as the tallest five-year-old. /VCG Photo

His father, Sanjay, reportedly hopes his son can get official recognition from Guinness World Records again. /VCG Photo

Karan Singh comes from a towering family, as his dad is 1.97 meters tall and his mom, who was named India’s tallest woman, is 2.18 meters tall. /VCG Photo

According to height database heightdb.com, mothers’ height is much more influential on how tall their baby is early in life (including in the womb), whereas the height of fathers is more significant as the child grows older. /VCG Photo

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