Korean Peninsula Tension: S. Korea: Position on DPRK unchanged, despite aid review
South Korea says its stance on the DPRK remains unchanged after announcing that Seoul will continue to provide humanitarian aid to the North.The comments came from South Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman Cho June-hyuck at a briefing in Seoul on Thursday. Cho said South Korea will continue separating the issue of humanitarian aid from political and military situations.
CHO JUNE-HYUCK, SPOKESMAN SOUTH KOREAN FOREIGN MINISTRY The UN Security Council resolutions do not prohibit sending humanitarian aid to the DPRK. Also, our government has maintained a stance of separating the issue of humanitarian aid from political and military situations. Based on this same line, the government announced that we are considering sending humanitarian aid to the North. However, our position remains unchanged as to how we perceive the current situation and how we respond to the DPRK's continuous provocations with sanctions and pressures.