CES, the Consumer Electronics Show, kicks off on Wednesday in Las Vegas. The gathering is a major annual industry event. And you can be sure Chinese companies will be represented. CGTN's Phil Lavelle has more.
CES is packed this year. Anyone who's anyone in tech is in Vegas. The best part of 4,000 exhibitors showing off here.
PHIL LAVELLE LAS VEGAS A third of them from outside the US. China - very well represented. Companies from the east. Targeting the West. Especially that huge U.S. market.
Case in point - TCL. Chinese made. But the US is its focus. Unveiling new QLED TVs. Big news for China's HiSense too.
Hisense is one of the biggest consumer electronics manufacturers in the world.
Sold half a million TVs in the US in just one day last year. Made a billion dollars here too. HiSense likes big numbers - how's this one sound 150 inches for its latest TV offering.
JERRY LIU HISENSE AMERICAS "American consumers are aware at most of the come from China, and the technology is good, the quality is good. So it's the right time for Chinese companies to develop US market."
Chinese innovation is getting its chance to show off to American buyers this week. And manufacturers are taking full advantage of this stage.
RICK KOWALSKI CES ORGANISING TEAM "A lot of Chinese companies are partnering with other companies, offering their services, their products and making those connections. You know it's very much making connections with the businesses, the people you need to.
Huawei - the world's second largest cellphone manufacturer. Still to make a significant dent in the American market. But if any company can take on the likes of Samsung and Apple here, it's them. And they're trying. Because the American consumer tech market is worth 300 billion dollars. And China's companies are working flat out here this week to find their place in it. Phil Lavelle CGTN at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.