Death toll rises in Venezuela as anti-Maduro demonstrations continue
By Deng Junfang

2017-05-06 07:45 GMT+8

14446km to Beijing

By freelance journalist Stephen Gibbs
Tear gas and tension in Venezuela -- and another political protest turns deadly. This time at Central University in Caracas, bloodied students were dosed with tear gas. A 33-year-old student leader was killed, and at least three others were injured. 
An opposition demonstrator, wounded during clashes with riot police, is carried away by medics during a protest against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas on May 3, 2017. /VCG Photo
At least 37 people have been killed in two months of violent protests aimed at unseating President Nicolas Maduro. Demonstrators want immediate elections.
A defiant President Maduro is moving ahead with plans to hold elections for a citizen’s assembly that will rewrite the country’s constitution. Now there is a call for women to rally in a massive show of support for the opposition on Saturday.