Afghan women fight back with their own TV station

2017-06-07 10:28 GMT+8
Editor Liu Chen

Despite endless insurgencies, restrictions on civilians’ rights and dropping economic figures, a new TV station dedicated to women was launched in Afghanistan in late May. /CFP

This is the country’s first ever TV station staffed almost entirely by females, from presenters to producers. It is a novel attempt by Afghan women to make a change in a country dominated by men. /CFP

Zan TV, or Women’s TV, aims to capture the achievements of Afghan women and present the daily challenges they face to a global audience. Hamid Samar, the channel’s founder and director, said Zan TV can create opportunities for women and fill in gaps not addressed by aid agencies. /CFP

Currently, Zan TV is using low-cost digital technology and shooting in a basic studio in Kabul. Its content is largely talk shows about health and music. /CFP

The fall of the Taliban government in 2002 encouraged the advent of private media but very few of these organizations have survived as the fighting continued. /CFP

But Zan TV plans to open offices across the country, especially in remote rural areas where women are facing the greatest challenges. /CFP

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