Syria Talks in Sochi: Damascus residents call for an end to war
Residents in the Syrian capital Damascus have welcomed the Sochi conference and called for an end to the fighting that has torn their country apart.
MOUTAZ SAWAH DAMASCUS RESIDENT "Enough expatriation and enough destruction because the Syrians will always remain Syrians and Syria embraces all. All I wish for is the return of everyone to Syria and for the armed men to hand over their weapons and return to the homeland because Syria is the most precious of all."
BASHAR TURKMANI DAMASCUS RESIDENT "I say to those who held up weapons; enough killing, enough destruction. Stop killing your brother and lay your weapons aside and embark on a dialogue with your Syrian brother who has been your brother before this crisis and after the crisis. Come back to the homeland because the homeland is enough for all."
BASHER MANSOUR DAMASCUS RESIDENT "It's a rare opportunity to bring together the points of view and reach a political resolution because there is no solution but a peaceful one and after seven years, time has proved that there is no solution except a peaceful one. We hope they reach satisfying outcomes for the Syrian people, because it's about time for the sun to rise and for peace to prevail."