Preventing Ebola Outbreak: Uganda scales up screening at boarder entry points
Updated 11:10, 25-Oct-2018
Meanwhile Uganda is stepping up surveillance at its border points with the Democratic Republic of Congo in the west of the country. There have been no confirmed cases of Ebola in Uganda so far, though one person was reported to be infected near the shores of Lake Albert on the Democratic Republic of Congo side of the border last month. CGTN's Leon Ssenyange has more.
Uganda's health ministry and its partners like the Red Cross, the World Health Organization and UNICEF have stepped up surveillance in districts bordering the DRC.
Safety measures include community engagement, population screening and laboratory testing. There's particular focus on seven high-risk districts located along the border with the affected areas in North Kivu and Ituri provinces. But officials are confident Uganda has the required interventions to detect any cases.
DR. HENRY MWEBESA DIRECTOR GENERAL OF HEALTH SERVICES, UGANDA "As soon as a case is picked, we immediately isolate them, manage them and treat them. We have all the treatment requirements in terms of protective gear, fluids and many other things required in treating cases and even trained health workers."
This week, Uganda and DRC officials met in Uganda to discuss further efforts to deal with the epidemic. The risk of Ebola spreading could increase because of displaced people and even traders moving across the border. According to the World Health Organization, there have been more than 180 confirmed and probable cases this year alone.
LEON SSENYANGE KAMPALA, UGANDA "More than ninety deaths have occurred in the latest Ebola outbreak. LS CGTN Kampala, Uganda."