Halloween, a traditional religious festival, was celebrated across western countries on Tuesday. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, countries like China and Japan are also willing to borrow the fun traditions of the "ghost day."
Halloween has nothing to do with religion here, and is treated as just another party day. The festival could be celebrated in clubs, restaurants or at schools, just like several other imported festivals.
And the most important part? Getting the make-up done. At a big Halloween party in Beijing with over 800 people, the make-up room is as crowded as the front-stage. Here, people could be transformed into anything they want: Scary, sweet, weird...anything but oneself. Many come hours early for an elaborately-designed look.
A girl doing makeup for a party in Beijing./CGTN Photo
A girl doing makeup for a party in Beijing./CGTN Photo
Some people are also celebrating on the street. When asked what they know about the western religious festival, most people could only come up with several key words like “pumpkins” and “ghosts.” Not knowing a lot about the occasion, the young people are more than happy to celebrate this tradition new to them and just have fun with it.