Ireland will participate in next month's China International Import Expo in Shanghai, with 25 Irish companies. Irish Agriculture Minister Michael Creed said the Expo offers an ideal opportunity for Irish food product exports given the current world trade climate.
ZHANG HE CGTN REPORTER "So Ireland will participate in the China International Import Expo in Shanghai. So I guess good export must by one of the highlights?"
MICHAEL CREED IRISH MINISTER FOR AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND THE MARINE "As a small and open economy, trading internationally in agri-food in 180 different countries, we realized that international trade is really important to us. We really appreciate the countries that open their market to us. Certainly in the current climate where there is talk of resistance to trade at international level and people talking about erecting barriers to trade. We worry about that and we very much appreciate the opportunity that extended to us by China International Import Expo to further showcase our goods and produce. And Bord Bia, the Irish Food Board, and a large number of Irish companies are delighted to avail the opportunity at the expo to further build friendship and relationships and business that we can do together. "
ZHANG HE CGTN REPORTER "How do you think the importance of holding such an import expo in China and China's role in promoting global trade?"
MICHAEL CREED IRISH MINISTER FOR AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND THE MARINE "Look at China, we are a small country, 5 million people. We depend substantially on international trade. As I said we very much understand and we are worry by the recent developments that are hostile to trade at international level. For that reason because China is such an advocate of trade opportunities internationally. It is not hostile to trade between the European Union and China, and as consequence between Ireland and China. I think it is really important for us to participate in this opportunity. I think it puts China out there as a leader now on the international stage, as a beacon of trading opportunity. That is really something that in Ireland as a small and open economy. As I said export into 180 different countries worldwide, we need grasp every opportunity like that and support people who support the same values and principles that we do about a rule-based approach to international trade and very much welcome China support and approach that regard."