Middle East Tensions: Palestinians in Gaza hold protests to mark 'Naksa Day'
Protests are underway in Gaza, marking "Naska Day", which commemorates the day when Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories began in 1967. Our correspondent Noor Harazeen brings us more.
Dozens of motorcycles waving Palestinian flags on Tuesday made their way through the streets of Gaza city toward the Erez Crossing on the border with Israel, in a symbolic protest marking "Naksa Day". The day marks the start of the Six-Day War in which Israel captured Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem in 1967.
FADI ABU KHATER LOCAL CITIZEN "Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine. Whatever they do we will continue to join the protests and rallies near the Israeli border."
At a press conference at the Erez (Beit Hanoun) Crossing, a member of the legal committee of the Great March of Return called on residents to participate in what he called a "Jerusalem One Million Man March over the weekend".
SALAH ABDEL ATI MEMBER OF THE LEGAL COMMITTEE OF THE GREAT RETURN MARCH "We call for the Jerusalem One Million March on Friday to coincide with Jerusalem World Day. We reject the Israeli occupation of our land, as well as all the US measures against our people. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem does not justify the occupation."
Jerusalem is of great significance to the Palestinians including Muslims and Christians. But since Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital, and earlier this month moved the US embassy there, the situation has become more complicated, bringing previous efforts which supported the establishment of an independent Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, to no avail. Noor Harazeen CGTN Gaza.