Disabled Uygurs gain wood painting skills
Madana, a disabled Uygur woman, shows her  painting skill on a wooden board during a workshop in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. /Xinhua Photo

Madana, a disabled Uygur woman, shows her  painting skill on a wooden board during a workshop in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. /Xinhua Photo

A group of 16 women from Xinjiang Disabled Vocational School receive professional certifications after completing a month of training in wood painting. /Xinhua Photo

A group of 16 women from Xinjiang Disabled Vocational School receive professional certifications after completing a month of training in wood painting. /Xinhua Photo

The art workshops, organized by Hebei Human Resources and Social Security Authorities, aim to help the disabled population in rural areas inhabited by minority peoples. /Xinhua Photo

The art workshops, organized by Hebei Human Resources and Social Security Authorities, aim to help the disabled population in rural areas inhabited by minority peoples. /Xinhua Photo