Can you say “No” to the adorable tiny food?

2018-03-22 17:53 GMT+8

1 / 4   The world’s first tiny cookery school was launched by Thom Whitchurch, founder and CEO of Foozie in UK. A public tiny cooking event was held in Bristol on Thursday. /VCG Photo


2 / 4   During the event, Whitchurch introduced the menu of tiny cooking and showed how to cook the bite-sized food to the students. /VCG Photo


3 / 4   Tiny cooking has become a viral sensation on social media since last year. The bite-sized proportions of food cooked by the tiny pan, the tiny utensils, and tiny food is way too cute for people to eat. /VCG Photo


4 / 4   Whitchurch explained that since he first saw the tiny cooking videos online, he made up his mind to create the same event offline because it was such a fun idea. / VCG Photo

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