China-France Nuclear Cooperation: Taishan Nuclear Power Plant ready for commercial operation
Updated 08:39, 18-Dec-2018
Taishan Nuclear Power Plant, the largest joint energy project between China and France has met the conditions for commercial operation. Heads of China General Nuclear Group and its French partner announced it Friday in Beijing. CGTN's Sun Tianyuan reports.
After over 160 hours of demonstration runs, the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant is ready to go online. The plant will generate the equivalent power of 8 million tons of coal each year, allowing China to cut 21 million tons of gas emissions.
GUO LIMIN, GENERAL MANAGER TAISHAN NUCLEAR POWER PLANT "The reactors in phase one of the project use third-generation EPR, or European Pressurized Reactor technology. We have full confidence in its safety and reliability. And the world's first EPR project will offer valuable lessons and solutions for peers in the industry."
For Gao Ligang, this is a day he has been waiting for a long time.
GAO LIGANG, PRESIDENT CGN POWER CO., LTD. "This is another milestone cooperation project between China and France. China-France nuclear cooperation is a testament to China's opening-up over the past 40 years."
In the 1980s, China General Nuclear Power Group worked with its French partners on one of the largest projects, the Daya Bay nuclear power plant. Moving into the 21st century, their partnership continues.
FABRICE FOURCADE, VICE PRESIDENT ELECTRICITE DE FRANCE "Thanks to long-term support from both governments, Taishan, this landmark cooperation will become a reference for other projects, including Hinkley Point C and Sizewell C."
SUN TIANYUAN BEIJING "From Daya Bay to Taishan One, nuclear power has been a key area of international cooperation in China's opening-up to the world. CGN says it will continue to work with its French partners to further develop safe and clean technology for both countries. Sun Tianyuan, CGTN, Beijing."