US Ambassador to UN Resigns: Trump accepts Nikki Haley's resignation
Updated 13:07, 13-Oct-2018
In yet another high-profile exit from the Trump administration, Nikki Haley, the US Ambassador to the United Nations, is resigning. She will leave her post by the end of the year. CGTN White House Correspondent Nathan King reports.
Just two weeks after the U.S. president and his UN Ambassador were center stage at the United Nations General Assembly, Nikki Haley is resigning. Speculation is rife about why and the timing caught many officials by surprise. But in front of the cameras, at least, their parting was amicable.
NIKKI HALEY US AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS "Look at what has happened in two years with the United States on foreign policy. Now the United States is respected. Countries may not like what we do, but they respect what we do."
The "America First" policy was never popular at the United Nations, but Haley did score some successes-sanctions resolutions against the DPRK's nuclear and missile private forged with China and Russia a rare moment of consensus in the security council.
But she was also a hawk on Iran-fully backing Washington's withdrawal from the nuclear deal and pushing for a tougher line against Tehran at the UN.
She did differ from the President when it came to Russia-sometimes getting ahead of him when it came to strong words against Moscow. But in Tuesday's Oval Office meeting nothing but praise from her boss.
DONALD TRUMP US PRESIDENT "I wanted to do this because Nikki Haley, Ambassador to the United Nations, has been very special to me. She's done an incredible job. She's a fantastic person, very importantly, but she also is somebody that gets it. She has been at the United Nations from the beginning with us from the beginning and worked with us on the campaign."
A rising star in the Republican Party, there has been speculation she may challenge Trump for their party's presidential nomination in 2020. Sitting next to Trump, she ruled that out.
Her resignation comes as U.S. popularity in the world plunged to generational lows and as the U.S. pulls out of - or away - from UN institutions like the Human Rights Council, the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court and has stopped finding some UN agencies-further eroding support.
NATHAN KING WASHINGTON "Speculation is already rife on who will replace her. Whoever it is will have the tough job of defending America First policies at the most multilateral institution in the world. Nathan King, CGTN at the White House."