Meanwhile, World leaders are due to converge in Marrakech, Morocco to adopt a now-controversial UN pact on migration. The landmark deal calls for safe, orderly and regularized migration. But so far, there's been uproar with more than a dozen countries rejecting the deal. CGTN'S Jane Kiyo tells us more from Marrakech.
From Africa- Europe -to the U.S - there's no doubt Migration is a defining and divisive issue.
The UN says up to 250M people are currently living outside their country of birth, a number that's expected to grow. A search for a better life, opportunities, conflict and even climate change are the main drivers of the human mobility.
Sometimes this movement can be fatal - The international organization for migration says more than 3000 people have died or gone missing while migrating in 2018. Experts believe a common approach and opening up avenues for Migration can help resolve the issue.
JILL HELKE, DIRECTOR FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION "By nature, it implies by cooperation across borders and within across regions."
The Global Compact for Migration or GCM was born out of an initial agreement back by 193 UN member countries in New York in 2016 - For 18 months experts have been negotiating on the deal that hopes to reduce the risks that migrants face.
The Accord that's non binding - lays out 23 objectives.
- Collecting accurate data
- Provide access to basic services for migrants
- Minimize the adverse drivers and structural factors that compel people to leave their country of origin
- Enhance availability and flexibility of pathways for regular migration
- Create conditions that enable migrants contribute to development through their skills and qualifications
- Strengthen international cooperation and global partnerships for safe, orderly and regular migration
Countries though have their own sovereign right to determine their own policies on Still that's not been enough to convince to come on board.
More than 10 countries including the US, Italy, Hungary, Israel, Australia, Poland and even Austria-holders of the EU presidency -have refused to sign the accord saying it undermines their policies on migration and encourages migration.
A majority though including Africa are supporting the deal which they say will help countries strengthen their structures.
JANE KIYO MARRAKECH, MOROCCO "Despite the negative campaign, UN officials remain confident that the GCM is a step in the right direction in resolving the migration crisis."
By Friday, the UN says up to 130 countries, had confirmed their participation. JK, CGTN, Marrakech, Morocco.