'See the difference' at CGTN's News Center
6km to Beijing

2017-10-12 23:45 GMT+8

China Global Television Network (CGTN) launched a state-of-the-art news center on Tuesday with the aim of merging different types of media on an international front. "See the difference" is CGTN's official slogan and we’re taking you on a nickel tour around the brand new center so you can see the difference yourself.

'Super Desk' at CGTN./CGTN Photo

The "Super Desk" is the cerebrum of CGTN, located on the 26th floor of Tower Two of CCTV headquarters in Beijing. The desk connects the broadcasting team with the digital realm across languages, and shares resources including videos, images and news stories among different platforms around the world.

The chief-in-duty leads the global teams to complete reporting tasks and keep efficient communication at all times while operating news production on multiple platforms.

Inside CGTN's office./CGTN Photo

The Convergence Media Center uses simple and clean colors to emphasize a sense of modernity, while placing great attention on function and user comfort.

Divided by different working groups, the office area is arranged for a better communication and smoother flow of news production. Notably, all the desks and chairs used in the office are made of environmentally-friendly materials and have an ergonomic design, which provide the most comfortable working experience for all staff.

Inside CGTN's office./CGTN Photo

The Live Broadcast Control room allows the integration of multiple resources and broadcasting signals from across the globe enabling CGTN to report firsthand about worldwide happenings and bring viewers right to the heart of events. 

The live streaming desk collects real-time broadcasting signals from multiple terminals and distributes them to multiple platforms. The function of simultaneous interpretation is also supported.

Inside CGTN's office./CGTN Photo

Simultaneous interpretation booth inside CGTN's office./CGTN Photo

Two floors down, the story continues at the Digital Center. The central desk leads all digital production operations and constitutes the core of the entire digital working area.

Digital Center at CGTN./CGTN Photo

The digital screen at the back of the room enables timely and accurate reporting, as the panel continuously collects news from across the world and monitors online trends in English and Chinese.

CGTN’s News Center gathers trending stories from 25,882 online media outlets, breaking news from 70 international news agencies, and live feeds of over 100 channels and video databases.

Inside CGTN's office./CGTN Photo

Content on CGTN's APP, social media, and website is created and published in this area. The digital media working area merges content processing, marketing and technical support together, with the help of 15 teams in such categories as Breaking News, Politics, Business, Culture, Technology and Science.

Undeniably, to achieve better results at work, having enough rest is crucial for our team of editors, producers, writers and designers. And, we provide a comfortable lounge for everyone to put their feet up without being too far away from their working stations.

Inside CGTN's office./CGTN Photo
