Thirty-six NPC deputies and about 200 CPPCC representatives from Hong Kong are attending this year's Two Sessions in Beijing. One of them is Hong Kong lawmaker Lee Wai-king, who's committed to being a communication channel between Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland in order to help people in Hong Kong contribute more to national development. Our reporter Mao Dan caught up with Lee to take a look at the proposals she plans to put forward in Beijing.
Hong Kong lawmaker Lee Wai-king is one of the 50 new faces appointed to China's top political advisory body from the Special Administrative Region. She has put together a number of proposals before going to the "2 Sessions".
LEE WAI-KING CPPCC NATIONAL COMMITTEE MEMBER CHAIRPERSON, DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE FOR THE BETTERMENT & PROGRESS OF HONG KONG "As one of the members and especially as a Hong Kong representative, I would like to act as a bridge between Hong Kong and the central government. We will put forward 31 proposals altogether, most of them are related to how to further extend national treatment to HK people in order to make it more convenient for HK people to study, work and invest (in Chinese mainland), hopefully we can have a try in the Guangdong province first because Guangdong Province is in the Greater Bay Area, some initiatives usually are put forward and tried in the Guangdong province."
As chairperson of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong, one of HK's largest political organizations, Lee has mobilized DAB members in the Legislative Council and the District Councils to gather comments from the public.
LEE WAI-KING CPPCC NATIONAL COMMITTEE MEMBER CHAIRPERSON, DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE FOR THE BETTERMENT & PROGRESS OF HONG KONG "Each district councilor got their office located in the district. This is how we collect public opinion, we will go to the districts and listen to them. And sometimes when we go to Beijing like last year I went during the Two Sessions and visited Peking University and Tsinghua University, there are a lot of HK students studying there. We talk to them and listen to their opinions."
Lee says she is looking forward to meeting other representatives in Beijing and learning about the country's latest policies first hand.
LEE WAI-KING CPPCC NATIONAL COMMITTEE MEMBER CHAIRPERSON, DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE FOR THE BETTERMENT & PROGRESS OF HONG KONG "Of course as a new member, my first and most important thing is to attend the meetings and listen to the latest view from our leader. And I hope to bring the message back to HK, to my party and to my district. Hopefully, the message can be conveyed to HK public after the meeting time."
MAO DAN HONG KONG "Like all other representatives to the Two Sessions, Lee Wai-king wants to fulfill her duties and obligations to help form policies for both regional and national development. Mao Dan, CGTN, HK."