Hawaii Volcano: Lava bombs spewing near Mount Kilauea
Lately every day is a fight for some residents on Hawaii's Big Island. The Kilauea volcano isn't just spewing lava, toxic gas and ash, there are also exploding "lava bombs". Many residents are faced with a big decision: Leave everything behind, or risk their lives and stay. Scott Mclean reports.
It's hell on earth, in a place that's heaven to so many.
In just a matter of hours, a virtually dormant fissure suddenly woke up, spewing fountains of lava down a molten stream, destroying everything in its way.
BRUCE TICKELL RESIDENT "It's all a guessing game."
Bruce Tickell owns two properties on this piece of paradise. He may soon, have just one.
BRUCE TICKELL RESIDENT "We're ready to leave there pretty much in 10 minutes if we have to, and say goodbye to everything."
DONA MUELLER RESIDENT "It shows me the power of God, the power of our earth."
Dona Mueller's home is just a few hundred yards from this molten sparkler, popping, groaning, and sometimes violently exploding.
"See what I mean."
At first the constant earthquakes made it impossible to sleep.
DONA MUELLER RESIDENT "Because I couldn't stand it anymore."
When this fissure opened up, it was impossible even to stay.
DONA MUELLER RESIDENT "You can see it blew out this window, glass all over."
As the lava flow quickly approaches, her family has come to salvage her valuables and go. she's not taking much with her.
DONA MUELLER RESIDENT "There's not much, I can walk away. It's stuff."
Just down the hill, Darryl Clinton is risking life and limb to protect two homes that belong to friends.
DARRYL CLINTON RESIDENT "A lot of sentimental value, a lot of good family times."
As we spoke, his friend mark was looking out for flying lava, and so were we.
The yard is littered with fresh volcanic rock.
DARRYL CLINTON RESIDENT "This lava bomb came and hit right here."
Giant lava bombs have broken windows, dented the water catchment pool, and taken out the septic tank, even just getting from one home to the other is a life-and-death game of frogger.
DARRYL CLINTON RESIDENT "Look up, and watch them, keep your eye on them, it's almost like catching a football, but you don't want to catch this football."
Clinton has been a quick study on the different sounds of the fissure, The sounds he knows to ignore.
DARRYL CLINTON RESIDENT "you're good, you're all safe."
And the ones that scream "Take cover".
DARRYL CLINTON RESIDENT "You might want to step back on this one."
Equipped with just fire extinguisher and garden hose he's been spraying down the molten rocks that hit the house.
DARRYL CLINTON RESIDENT "The inside ones are the ones were concerned about. These ones are the ones that catch the ceiling on fire."
It's man versus Mother Nature in a match Darryl Clinton intends to win.