Football and music are being used to improve the lives of children in some of South Africa's poorest townships, as the Field Band Foundation nurtures skills by engaging kids in activities they love. One endeavour, a joint effort with Norway, has led to the world's first Global Girls Football League. Julie Scheier has more.
It was a day of fun for 400 children at the No. 3 Square Sports Ground in Alexandra. They showed off their musical and footballing talents, while learning about 17 sustainable development goals, now the focus of world leaders.
ERNA SOLBERG NORWEGIAN PRIME MINISTER "They have to know that the world has a plan, that they are part of this world plan, that 'leave no-one behind' is really about these young children. The pride of a lot of things that most youth around the world is getting, for example, quality education."
Outside the grounds, is a reality most youngsters in South Africa grow up with, living in poverty, in crowded spaces, often lacking basic services like water, electricity and toilets.
STHEMBILE FIELD BAND FOUNDATION STUDENT "It makes me feel sad because, other people are living a nice life while we don't have these toilets. It's very, very bad. But yet we are still trying to implement this globalisation thing. We definitely want to achieve these goals because then it shows that we will have a standard of living that everyone gets."
The Field Band Foundation has been working in such communities for 21 years. With the help of Norway, it teaches children valuable skills through music and dance.
NICKY DU PLESSIS FIELD BAND FOUNDATION CEO "It's important that we teach people, the habits of self-development early, taking responsibility for yourself, making good choices, the skills of working together, of leadership, of looking after each other."
"It makes me feel important in life. My team needs me, and we just won the nationals a year ago. Our youth are influenced by drugs and using drugs, and when we tell them, guys, let's go and practice music, and stay away from the drugs, they'll be like, oh no, does it pay?"
The partnership has launched the world's first Global Goals School Football League for Girls in Alexandra.
MPHO MAHLATSE JOHANNESBURG MAYORAL COMMITTEE MEMBER "These kids just need somebody to believe in them, to equip them, to invest in them and see what comes out when you do that. These are kids mostly from disadvantaged backgrounds who would have never had a chance at anything good in life."
JULIE SCHEIER JOHANNESBURG "Inequality is on the rise, and programs like these help alleviate poverty, in townships like Alexandra. JS, CGTN, JHB, SA."