To a bizarre story of an attempt to kidnap a flight training student from China. In the city of Redding in Northern California, police arrested two people accused of kidnapping the student and attempted to force him to return to China. Mark Niu has more details on the case.
MARK NIU REDDING, CALIFORNIA "I'm at Redding Municipal Airport. This is the place where two employees of the IASCO Flight Training school - Jonathan McConkey and Kelsi Hoser -- were arrested on suspicion of kidnapping a Chinese student and attempting to send him back on a flight to China without his consent."
That flight student was 21-year-old Chris Shi Tianshu. He actually recorded the confrontation that occurred when the alleged assailants came to his apartment to get him.
That recording was played to us by the local newspaper the Record Searchlight.
Here's part of it.
"Can you speak English. You are in our custody."
DAVID BENDA, REPORTER RECORD SEARCHLIGHT "we do not know why these two people threatened and took the students out of the school."
MARK NIU REDDING, CALIFORNIA "We visited the area where the flight students are staying and got to Chris Shi's doorstep, but he declined to be interviewed. Students we talked to there said they had no idea why they wanted to send Shi home."
Now I visited the IASCO training school where it was business as usual. In fact, the school was having a special meeting about the issue when I arrived there. I saw the alleged assailant -- Jonathan McConkey -- still working there. He referred me to their lawyers who told me that Shi was a poor student that he was failing and that he couldn't just hang around there and that he needed to go home.
IASCO is owned by a Chinese company - Jutian Flight Acadamy. The lawyers said they could not speak on camera until their parent company in China issued a press release, which wasn't available at the time.
The Chinese Consulate of San Francisco has issued a statement saying that upon receiving a call from a Chinese citizen enrolled in flight school, it has provided the necessary assistance. MARK NIU, CGTN, REDDING CALIFORNIA.