US Auto Tariff Threat: Canadian PM: move based on flimsy logic
Meanwhile. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the US threat of auto tariffs is based on flimsy logic and is part of the pressure from Washington to renegotiate the NAFTA trade pact. Here's what Trudeau had to say. 
JUSTIN TRUDEAU, CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER "To be-- to be quite honest, I am -- even more than I was with steel and aluminum -- trying to figure out where a possible national security connection is. The 232 Article is very much based around national security, and I guess there is even a theoretical argument around steel or aluminum used in American military vehicles or jets that could be theoretically a national security issue, even though, obviously, Canada and the U.S. have no national security issues between each other. But taking that a step further into autos seems to me to be on even flimsier logical grounds, and I look forward to having conversations with our American counterparts around what exactly is in mind on this. But we know that this is very much linked to ongoing negotiations around moving forward on NAFTA."