Soweto Towers: Young artist revamps the Orlando cooling towers
Updated 14:13, 30-Jun-2018
One of South Africa's most famous landmarks is getting a facelift. The Orlando cooling towers in Soweto are a popular spot for bungee jumping and a favorite among tourists. A young artist is now leaving her mark on one of the towers. Our reporter Julie Scheier has more.
The Orlando Cooling Towers are situated in the heart of Soweto, and can be seen from miles around South Africa's historical township. A perfect canvas for street artist Karabo Moletsane.
KARABO POPPY MOLETSANE ILLUSTRATOR "We are kind of reviving the second Soweto tower and we are kind of wanting to tell a Sowetan story in a more contemporary sense. So we have teamed up with Soweto Gold, myself to put together a story that's true to Soweto but is also speaking towards the future of South Africa as well."
Soweto was at the centre of the apartheid struggle against an oppressive government. It still attracts visitors from around the world.
NDUMISO MADLALA BREW MASTER, SOWETO GOLD "Soweto is a very diverse place.You know. It's got so many cultures. It's got its own language. It's got its own street vibe. It's got its own day to day experiences and what we tried to capture on the tower was to capture exactly that."
Moletsane's art has made it onto the international stage. But this project is close to her heart.
KARABO POPPY MOLETSANE ILLUSTRATOR "I think South Africa is entering this new space where we are renegotiating our aesthetic, we're renegotiating our identity and I would love for the world to know South Africa as a place that breeds incredible young talent. And to be able to contribute to that change especially on something as large as a tower is really an honour for me."
So, the next time you're in Soweto, take some time to marvel at this spectacular display of art. And if you're brave enough, you can also try bungee jumping from these beautifully designed towers. Julie Scheier, CGTN, Soweto, South Africa.