China's media watchdog this week ordered popular news app Toutiao and live-streaming app Kuaishou to clean up the content on their platforms. It comes just days after state media criticised both platforms for inappropriate content. Li Jianhua has more.
On Thursday, Toutiao and Kuaishou were ordered to remove inappropriate content from their sites. It comes days after state media chided Toutiao for posting fake advertisements. Earlier this week, state media also called out Kuaishou for hosting videos promoting teen pregnancy. Both companies issued apologies. They promised to take the offending content off their platforms and ensure a clean environment for users.
The latest moves come amid what appears to be a state media-led crackdown on the country's live streaming industry. Industry figures show there are more than 900 live streaming platforms in China. The number of users crept over 420 million last year, with nearly 70 percent aged under 30. More than half of users are male. Chinese authorities have launched several campaigns in the last few years aimed at cleaning up the multiple platforms. Last year alone, more than 128-thousand websites were shut down due to inappropriate content. CGTN.