Around the globe, they've gathered to mark a-hundred years since the end of the first world war. The Armistice came into force at the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day, of the eleventh month. At the time it was considered the "War To End All wars". Ten-decades later, leaders - once on opposite sides - came together to mark the centenary. CGTN's Stefan de Vries reports from Paris.
At eleven am local time, all over the world, church bells marked the precise moment of the end of World War One, a century ago.
In Paris, French President Emmanuel Macron invited more than 60 world leaders to commemorate the 1918 event. Under overcast skies and drizzle, they walked together to the ceremony near the Arc de Triomphe. U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, rivals today, shook hands. One hundred years ago, their two countries were allies.
Macron sent the world a clear message.
EMMANUEL MACRON FRENCH PRESIDENT "Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Sometimes, history threatens to retake its tragic course, and compromise the peace that we thought was forever."
In another part of the city, preparations were under way for an anti-Trump protest.
"Trump, he antagonizes a lot of the values I don't share with him, so I am against him coming here as an invitee."
British Prime Minister Theresa May and members of the Royal House, did not travel to France but marked the centennial in London.
For the first time, a German president joined the ceremony. With thousands of others, Frank-Walter Steinmeier commemorated the end of the war which killed more than 16 million people, although the exact number will never be known.
Back in Paris, Macron told those in attendance, and perhaps to some in particular, that there are universal lessons to be drawn from World War One that multilateral international cooperation and not selfishness must prevail over rancour and resentment. Stefan de Vries, CGTN, Paris.