Never say never: Resumption of talks between the two Koreas
By CGTN's The Point
“I think it’s all for the good,” said Jim Walsh, a senior research associate of the Security Studies Program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, referring to the recent resumption of talks between the DPRK and South Korea.
“The danger of war on the Korean Peninsula is primarily a danger of miscalculation of inadvertent war where someone makes a mistake. The best medicine for that is communication. So whether they’re talking about the Olympics or naval communication or hotlines, whatever the topic, the important thing is they are talking. And by talking, hopefully reducing the chance of miscalculation.”
To reduce strain on the Korean Peninsula, Walsh says the Trump administration has plenty to reconsider. 
“Several missteps by the Trump administration have produced this unfortunate result,” Walsh explained. “Mr. Trump seems to care for Mr. Abe and Mr. Xi more than President Moon. The President’s tweets have undermined him. The president has, at one point, called him an appeaser.” 
Alexander Bell, a senior policy director at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, shared the same thought about the alliance, saying “It’s important for the US to get an ambassador out to Seoul immediately. There’s been a nominee, and it’s long past time to get that nominee confirmed and into place in Seoul.” 
Amid all the hopeful news as talks resume, uncertainty still looms when it comes to pushing denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula as virtually no progress has been made on this front.
However, Walsh remains positive. “You should never say never with North Korea (DPRK). All things are possible. The advantage of having a one-person dictatorship means if that one person changes his mind, there can be a completely different policy. And that one person might be different in 10 years or 20 years from now.”
“We just need to take one step at a time, and the first step would be trying to get a freeze on missile and nuclear tests.” Walsh said.
The Point with Liu Xin is a 30-minute current affairs program on CGTN. It airs weekdays at 9.30 p.m. BJT (1330GMT), with rebroadcasts at 5.30 a.m. (2130GMT) and 10.30 a.m. (0230GMT).