For more on technology cooperation between China and Russia, our reporter Ming Tian spoke to Svetlana Balanova, CEO of leading Russian tech company I-B-S. He asked her about the changes in trade, investment and technology between the two countries.
SVETLANA BALANOVA, CEO IBS "We obviously see much better, much higher presence of Chinese IT companies in Russia. We are very happy to have the highest level of partnership with Huawei for instance, we are value added partner for Huawei. We are very happy to see that one of the leading Chinese companies is having high focus on Russia, is developing its business in Russia in a way that we are used to working with other global corporations. It is very important for us that it is easy way of starting cooperation and developing, because they are very focused on developing strong partnerships with Russian partners."
MING TIAN CGTN REPORTER "Do you see possibility of further investment from China in Russia's IT sector?"
SVETLANA BALANOVA, CEO IBS "Obviously I do. I know that for instance, the recent joint investment fund between Russian Direct Fund for Investment and China. And there is a Russian-China fund for the investment. I know that they have been looking here for investment opportunities, and I hope that they will find a lot of interesting investment opportunities with Russian companies, especially IT and high-tech companies."
MING TIAN CGTN REPORTER "Here is the interesting quote I may use. Technologies have no boundary, but tech firms have nationalities. While the two countries cooperate in IT development and more Chinese companies investing in Russia, how do you see the competition between the two countries?"
SVETLANA BALANOVA, CEO IBS "At this point of time we don't see any competition. We only see Chinese companies coming to Russia as potential partners or existing partners. And part of our strategies as a company is that we are vendor-agnostic. We look at all the technologies and all the vendors in the world. And we select for our customers the best companies or best technologies and best companies that suit their needs best of all. So from this point of view, it is important that we have more and more companies available, and also companies from China available for us to find the best solution for our customers."
MING TIAN CGTN REPORTER "Another big area in the IT sector between China and Russia is the E-commerce. We know Alibaba has a strong presence here. I read a report that over half Russians shopped online last year.How do you see China's strong presence in E-commerce in this country?"
SVETLANA BALANOVA, CEO IBS "We are not in E-commerce. Some of our customers might be. We might build solutions for them for E-commerce. But in general I think such a global player such as Alibaba, when they come to the country, they increase the market. It is not only competition, but they contributed to a lot of market growth, market development. So from this point of view. I think they are setting up standards that are very important to grow the market, and we all as businesses and consumers, may benefit from it rather than having problems with it."