Reverse Spring Festival travel
It is estimated that some three billion passenger journeys will be made across China this year, making it the world’s biggest travel rush. However, behind this rush is a trend called reverse Spring Festival travel. 
Just as its name suggests, reverse Spring Festival travel is the trend where instead of migrant workers going home to see parents, their parents come to see them. That means seeing each other somewhere outside of their hometown. Behind the trend is the shrinking urban-rural gap, updated transportation, and the rising consumption power of the middle class. With this, families are able to have a different Spring Festival experience, adding some new flavor to the festivities.
Traditionally, the Spring Festival puts a huge amount of pressure on China's transportation system, especially for options between rural and developed areas. A reverse travel load seems to relax the transport pressure while bringing in a new experience. Seems like a win-win idea. After all, the Spring Festival is not about the place but the reunion of the whole family.