Germany's coalition government pulls through yet another crisis after striking a deal on the country's divisive migrant policies. Chancellor Angela Merkel made a compromise after Interior Minister Horst Seehofer offered to quit, threatening the coalition government. CGTN's Guy Henderson reports from Berlin.
After hours of talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel, Germany's Interior Minister Horst Seehofer announced an unlikely deal.
HORST SEEHOFER GERMAN INTERIOR MINISTER "We have reached a clear agreement on how we can prevent illegal immigration on the border between Germany and Austria in the future. Details will be announced by the two secretary generals. I am happy we have been able to reach this agreement. It became clear one more time that it's worth fighting for one's convictions."
The two agreed to set up transit centers at the German border to prevent asylum seekers entering if they've already applied elsewhere in the European Union and if the other EU country agrees to take them back. Chancellor Merkel claims she, too, has stuck to her principles.
ANGELA MERKEL GERMAN CHANCELLOR "The spirit of partnership in the European Union is preserved and at the same time, we have taken an important step to control secondary migration, which was and is important to me. And that's why I think that we have found a good compromise."
The Chancellor had thought she'd already found one at an EU summit in Brussels last week, but over the weekend, Seehofer told Merkel it wasn't enough. The stage was set for his resignation: he expected his Christian Social Union colleagues to follow him. That would've meant the collapse of the coalition government. But on Monday, they deserted him.
MARKUS SOEDER BAVARIAN PRIME MINISTER "There are many possible compromises and we hope this is still possible. One thing is clear: the stability of the government is not a question for us. Ending the parliamentary group alliance is also not a solution for us."
So by the time last-ditch talks were due to start, the CSU leader already looked all but finished.
GUY HENDERSON BERLIN "At one point, Horst Seehofer looked to have the upper hand in this stand-off. Now, as he arrives to meet with the Chancellor, the question is whether the German Interior Minister is here to seek more concessions from her - or whether he could be about to hand in his resignation."
Then came the surprise breakthrough, though, there may be more trouble ahead for the coalition. As its members gathered at the Chancellery, the center-left Social Democrats forced a smile. But, they have in the past opposed what's been agreed. It'll be their turn to speak out next. Guy Henderson, CGTN, Berlin.