Oldest known human fossil outside Africa discovered in Israel
An ancient jawbone with several well-preserved teeth uncovered from a collapsed cave on the coast of Israel indicates modern humans may have left Africa far earlier than previously thought, according to the report in the January 25, 2018 edition of the US journal Science. /VCG Photo

An ancient jawbone with several well-preserved teeth uncovered from a collapsed cave on the coast of Israel indicates modern humans may have left Africa far earlier than previously thought, according to the report in the January 25, 2018 edition of the US journal Science. /VCG Photo

Researchers calculate that the fossil was between 174,000 and 188,000 years old. Previously, the oldest fossils of modern humans found outside of Africa were somewhere from 90,000 to 120,000 years old, also in Israel. /VCG Photo

Researchers calculate that the fossil was between 174,000 and 188,000 years old. Previously, the oldest fossils of modern humans found outside of Africa were somewhere from 90,000 to 120,000 years old, also in Israel. /VCG Photo

Archaeologists nickname the discovery “Miss Liya”. Other archaeological evidence in the cave showed that the inhabitants hunted big game and used fire. /VCG Photo

Archaeologists nickname the discovery “Miss Liya”. Other archaeological evidence in the cave showed that the inhabitants hunted big game and used fire. /VCG Photo