This Sunday marks Mother's Day, a day dedicated to honoring motherhood and showing love for mothers. A lot of young Chinese mothers born in the 1980s, are facing anxiety and pressure, while trying to find time for themselves. CGTN's Wu Lei talked with one young mother in Shanghai and brings us this story.
Getting ready to go to work. It is always tough for Xu Lujie to say goodbye to her son before leaving, whether he is awake or still sleeping.
Due to the high cost of living in Shanghai, the family needs both incomes to provide the best for their son. And she has to spend 40 minutes commuting each way to work. The baby brings much happiness to the family, but Xu has also felt increasing anxiety since the birth of her child.
XU LUJIE MOTHER "The pressure is quite obvious, because I always talk about it with my colleagues who are also young mothers. We try to provide our babies the best of everything, in terms of food, clothing and the most important thing-education."
Since she needs to work, Xu Lujie asked her parents-in-law to come to take care of the baby while she is out of the house.
ZHANG CUI'E XU'S MOTHER-IN-LAW "Mothers all love their children, but today's young mothers shoulder a lot of pressure. They need to pay the mortgage and find quality schools for the children."
In addition to paying off 700 thousand USD in mortgage over the next 30 years, Xu and her husband are working hard to take care of both of their parents, as well as their son. Experts say a growing number of young mothers who were born in the 1980s face similar difficulties.
DR. LI JINZHAO BEIJING FOREIGN STUDIES UNIVERSITY "In sociology we have a special term for them, which is the sandwich generation. It means they have to satisfy competing needs both from their children and their parents."
Back home after work, Xu will spend her precious time with the baby. Work and family have taken up the major part of her day. Experts say balancing her needs with those of her family, requires plenty of support.
DAI YUNFENG FATHER "I am also working in the financial sector and it is very busy, and generally it is my wife and parents who take care of the baby. I believe the whole family, myself in particular, should give her more support."
Every Thursday and weekend, Xu Lujie goes for a run. She said running is the best way for her to relieve the pressure.
XU LUJIE MOTHER "I think each young mother should find her own way of relieving anxiety. For example, running, Yoga, and some exercise to ease the pressure."
WU LEI SHANGHAI "Many young mothers in large cities are struggling to balance their work, personal life and family. They hope to set a good example for their children by pursuing positive lifestyles.WL, CGTN, SH."