Kenyan president impleads main rival over poll impasse
Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta's Jubilee Party has filed an urgent contempt of court case, seeking to commit National Super Alliance (NASA) leader Raila Odinga and his running mate Kalonzo Musyoka to civil jail for six months for disobeying a court order.
The case was filed on Thursday in Nairobi's Supreme Court.
Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta. /Reuters Photo

Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta. /Reuters Photo

The Jubilee Party argues that the mass protests organized by opposition leaders across the country amount to violations of the court order, which directed that the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) conducts a fresh presidential election with 60 days.
NASA leader Raila Odinga speaks (M), flanked by co-principal Musalia Mudavadi (L) and NASA’s presidential running mate Kalonzo Musyoka (R). /AFP Photo

NASA leader Raila Odinga speaks (M), flanked by co-principal Musalia Mudavadi (L) and NASA’s presidential running mate Kalonzo Musyoka (R). /AFP Photo

NASA leaders have organized protests, which have been held for three weeks, demanding reforms at the electoral body as well as the resignation of some IEBC staffers and other officials before the poll is held.
In Nairobi, police fired tear gas to disperse groups of demonstrators who tried to march through the city. /AFP Photo

In Nairobi, police fired tear gas to disperse groups of demonstrators who tried to march through the city. /AFP Photo

The protests have caused death of several demonstrators in Western Kenya towns. They were suspended to mourn those who have died.
Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga has said he will not take part in the planned October 26 election re-run, in the hope it will be canceled. /AFP Photo

Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga has said he will not take part in the planned October 26 election re-run, in the hope it will be canceled. /AFP Photo

By a majority decision, the Supreme Court annulled the presidential poll conducted on Aug. 8 and directed the electoral commission to conduct fresh election within 60 days based on the dictates of the constitution and election laws.
Source(s): Xinhua News Agency