China's Bamboo Industry: Yu Yan: From 'bamboo girl' to 'bamboo queen'
In some places, bamboo has been called "green gold"-- the renewable, low-carbon alternative to plastics and timber is now "part of China's environmental leadership bid". It can also be used as construction material. CGTN's Hou Na visited one bamboo flooring company in South China's Fujian Province, to see how a bamboo girl has become a bamboo queen.
Into the jungle. Yu Yan was born in the small town of Yong'an, where bamboo thrives.
She called herself a bamboo girl, due to her affection of this hardy plant.
She went to study in the UK for several years. And just as she was thinking of settling permanently into the colorful city life there, suddenly, the summons arrived.
YU YAN, VICE CHAIRMAN HEQICHANG BAMBOO CO. "My father needed someone who has international vision."
Yu Yan's father runs a bamboo container flooring company.
The hard work begins right after the bamboo is cut.
Though it thrives in steamy, rain-drenched areas, bamboo products require several processing steps to withstand sunshine and moisture, as they still contain sugar and water.
HOU NA YONG'AN, FUJIAN PROVINCE "These are the bamboo container flooring ready to be exported to different places around the world. But Yu Yan told me, it wasn't easy for her when she first started."
YU YAN, VICE CHAIRMAN HEQICHANG BAMBOO CO. "At the very beginning, nobody trusts me. Many customers have used wood for over twenty years."
But bamboo's prospects are improving.
One reason is environmental awareness.
Chinese firms account for 90% of the international export market for laminated bamboo flooring. Its appeal has grown as Western consumers go green.
CAI QINGHUI VICE MAYOR OF YONG'AN "Over the past decade, we have provided financial assistance of up to one hundred million US dollars to the bamboo industry. We help enterprises build bamboo research and trade platforms."
With the leading technologies and government's support, Yu Yan's company ranks in the top three in the industry.
People call her "the bamboo queen" now, but she says her goal is to make the "green gold" shine all over the globe. HOU NA, CGTN, YONG'AN, FUJIAN PROVINCE.