SCO Anti-Extremism Effort
Over the years, the SCO has worked to improve regional peace and stability. Natalie Pang takes a look at some of its efforts.
"Preserving and safeguarding regional peace, security and stability". That's one of the main declared purposes of the Shanghai Cooperation Oganization when it was established in 2001. Various multi-national military exercises have been taken place among the member states since 2002. The annual "Peace Mission" war games have been held since 2005. SCO members have also held other drills within the SCO framework.
From 2013 to 2017, over 600 terrorist activities had been stopped by the cooperation among SCO members. More than 500 terrorist training bases have been destroyed, and some 2,000 members of international terrorist groups have been captured. SCO members also seized over 1,000 improvised explosive devices, 50 tons of explosives and more than one million bullets.
Cyber security is another focus for the SCO members.
Multinational online counter-terrorism exercises were held in 2015 and 2017, focusing on combating online activities involving terrorism, separatism and extremism.
From 2016 to 2017, more than 100-thousand websites have been blocked by members, involving four million posted messages related to extremism and terrorism. Natalie PangXXX, CGTN.