US Supreme Court Nomination: Brett Kavanaugh sworn in as associate justice
Updated 12:35, 10-Oct-2018
The US Senate has confirmed Judge Brett Kavanaugh as a new associate justice to the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh has been sworn in and could join the court as early as Tuesday. This, despite weeks of tension over Kavanaugh's nomination, including sexual assault allegations lodged against him that he denies. Republicans called it a "witch hunt", while Democrats accused the other party of ignoring women's voices. CGTN's Jim Spellman reports from Capitol Hill.  
Brett Kavanaugh confirmed to the US Supreme Court after a bitter fight that laid bare deep political divisions in the United States.
The confirmation process took a turn when psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting as another young man looked on, back when all three were in high school.  
CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD KAVANAUGH ACCUSER "Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter, the uproarious laughter between the two, and they're having fun at my expense."  
Other women also came forward claiming to have been abused by Kavanaugh while he was intoxicated in high school and college.
BRETT KAVANAUGH  US SUPREME COURT JUSTICE "I've never sexually assaulted anyone - not in high school, not in college, not ever."  
The FBI conducted a quick, limited investigation into the allegations but in the end the Democrats didn't have the votes to stop Kavanaugh's promotion.
"I applaud and congratulate the U.S. Senate for confirming our GREAT NOMINEE, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, to the United States Supreme Court." Trump tweeted shortly after the Senate vote.  
Throughout the process, protestors demonstrated on Capitol Hill -- with supporters of Kavanaugh left satisfied, "And he's an extremely qualified man." and opponents left defeated.  
CAITLIN SIMPSON ANTI-KAVANAUGH PROTESTOR  "A lot of anger and disgust and disappointment. All the women I know were against him being confirmed."  
JIM SPELLMAN WASHINGTON, DC "Even though Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed to the US Supreme Court, we don't expect to see this passion end anytime soon. This is a major political victory for President Trump, but Democrats say they will channel this passion and anger into votes in the upcoming midterm elections."
RACHEL EHRLICH ANTI-KAVANAUGH PROTESTOR  "People think resistance is standing in the street and screaming and yelling, and that is just the beginning of what we have to do, Now we take this anger and determination and we realize today is going to send a death charge through politics as we know it. We go home. We vote and we run for office."  
Kavanaugh adds a fifth conservative voice to the nine-member Supreme Court, potentially shifting the direction of high court opinions - for decades to come.