Korean Peninsula Diplomacy: Planning for historic summit between Trump and Kim
Any summit between world leaders requires planning, logistics, and protocol. A meeting between the leaders of the US and the DPRK even more so. Add to that the personalities and policies of US President Donald Trump and DPRK leader Kim Jong Un and there is a potential for some very "undiplomatic" moments. CGTN's White House correspondent Nathan King looks at how this summit took shape and what the leaders' negotiating styles may mean for the chances of success in Singapore.  
"We haven't seen anything. We haven't heard anything. We will see what happens."
Donald Trump summing up how up in the air this summit planning has been. Just a few weeks ago there was no date and no place. Just when June 12th in Singapore was announced the summit was called off. And, then it was on again.
What has followed has been a diplomatic frenzy. Three separate U.S. and DPRK teams, meeting at the same time in different places. The DPRK's top negotiator in New York, and then Washington, for talks, while a separate U.S. and DPRK team met at the North-South border on the Korean peninsula trying to work out what, if anything, can be agreed on in Singapore. In Singapore, so-called "pre-advance" teams discussed logistics planning-who will sit where who will walk in first how many rooms. Interpreters, dinners details, details, more details.
DR. GRAHAM ONG-WEBB, RESEARCH FELLOW S. RAJARATNAM SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES "Singapore is a global hub, highly respected, it's a first world economy, it is at a crossroads of the East and West. It, therefore, signifies progression, signifies all things possible."
Given that Trump and Kim are more used to hurling insults at each other than talking peace, planning for this summit has been fraught. U.S. officials would like to repeat the success of the recent North-South Summit on the Korean peninsula. that saw a warmth between the two Korean leaders- with some clear concrete outcomes.
DR. GRAHAM ONG-WEBB, RESEARCH FELLOW S. RAJARATNAM SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES "If North Korea can play ball and to work along with some kind of process, according to some kind of roadmap, deal or timeline, then I think that would be a marker of success for the summit. So, I think that the Americans also have to manage their expectations and not fool themselves into thinking that this longstanding problem and the series of failures you have seen in the past - taking those things into account - that overnight, essentially, an agreement can be struck and the North Koreans are simply going to dismantle everything over the next few weeks or next few months. That's not going to happen."
NATHAN KING WHITE HOUSE "Expectations for U.S. President Trump for the summit have been hard to nail down. Until recently, US President Donald Trump did not discourage talk from his supporters that he may deserve the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts. But as the summit has got nearer, those words have been tempered. He now described the historic meeting between himself and Kim Jong Un as a getting-to-know-you session, PLUS. Nathan King, CGTN, The White House."