USS Carl Vinson strike group deploys to western Pacific
Updated 10:32, 28-Jun-2018
USS Carl Vinson strike group ships departed from San Diego on Thursday with some 7,500 sailors and airmen on board, as they deployed for the Western Pacific. /CFP Photo

USS Carl Vinson strike group ships departed from San Diego on Thursday with some 7,500 sailors and airmen on board, as they deployed for the Western Pacific. /CFP Photo

The US Navy said the strike group would focus on maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts, conducting exercises with partners in the western Pacific. /CFP Photo

The US Navy said the strike group would focus on maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts, conducting exercises with partners in the western Pacific. /CFP Photo

Family and friends gathered to bid farewell to the sailors as they departed from Naval Air Station Island in Coronado, California. /CFP Photo

Family and friends gathered to bid farewell to the sailors as they departed from Naval Air Station Island in Coronado, California. /CFP Photo