Faces of CGTN: Seeing a different platform
CGTN's digital department, compared to its television channels, is a relatively young team. But its high-quality work proves its expertise in the burgeoning field of new media.
The short video above documents how CGTN's digital media team covers a multimedia story and shares it to different online platforms. Also, four editors share their experiences working for CGTN over the past year.

Gao Xingzi, Multimedia Video Editor

I’m grateful for the productive and busy year at CGTN. 
Thanks to its open, welcoming, creative and culturally diverse environment, I was given the opportunity to grow, interact with talented people and hone my reporting skills. 
CGTN multimedia video editor Gao Xingzi. /CGTN Photo

CGTN multimedia video editor Gao Xingzi. /CGTN Photo

This year, along with the establishment of CGTN, we witnessed a rapid progress in content production, especially the birth of "The 1.3 Billion," a long-term multimedia project documenting the lives of Chinese people.
Gao Xingzi walking to her desk. /CGTN Photo

Gao Xingzi walking to her desk. /CGTN Photo

We’ve spent a whole year to bring this series to fruition. I sincerely hope that with our concerted efforts, we managed to provide our audience with a better understanding of Chinese society, and more than that, of the world.

Wen Yaru, Deputy Managing Editor

On December 31, 2016, all social media accounts of CCTVNEWS Digital switched to CGTN, China Global Television Network. A new brand was born. 
During the past year, every interview, interactive webpage, and live news broadcast were made possible thanks to collective efforts. Content, design, product and market promotion teams joined hands to make sure that nothing is impossible and no one is dispensable.
CGTN's deputy managing editor Wen Yaru at work. /CGTN Photo

CGTN's deputy managing editor Wen Yaru at work. /CGTN Photo

CGTN is like a window through which the world can see China. As a member of CGTN, our hearts ensure the quality of news we produce and our shoulders carry the weight of social responsibility. We also attach great importance to user experience, which drives innovation and breakthroughs. Embracing new technology and new platforms, providing the best content, and "Seeing the Difference" are the goals of every person at CGTN. 
CGTN, happy birthday!

Marco Shan, Social Media Editor

I think my first year at CGTN has been immensely rewarding. 
Yes, it was tiring because I was involved in many different projects, but the most important thing was that we were no longer by ourselves, like how it used to be. 
CGTN's social media editor Marco Shan at work. /CGTN Photo

CGTN's social media editor Marco Shan at work. /CGTN Photo

The idea of media convergence here is in full swing. 
We are united as a team… as a band, in which everyone plays his or her own favorite part without interfering with others. And when all of us play in unison, it becomes the music of CGTN to the world, to everyone.

Nadim Diab, Copy Editor

Almost a year has passed, but the memory of the CCTV logo fading from the upper left side of the television screen before everyone’s eyes to give way for four new letters is still vivid.
CGTN's copy editor Nadim Diab at work. /CGTN Photo

CGTN's copy editor Nadim Diab at work. /CGTN Photo

The birth of CGTN was a grand moment. Some colleagues let out cheers even though we were nowhere near the action-packed studio, others clapped, and almost everyone took out their mobile phones to document the epoch-making occasion. 
Something big was brewing, and we were all part of it.
At zero hour, change was already in the air. 
CGTN staff helding a meeting in the office. /CGTN Photo

CGTN staff helding a meeting in the office. /CGTN Photo

CGTN had to be big to match China’s growing status on the international stage. The hopes of more than 1.3 billion people hung on CGTN’s ability to tell their stories, as memorable or mundane as they might be, to the world. 
As an editor, I was part of an army of messengers whose duty was to carry their messages beyond the Great Wall – and boy was it a taxing but stunning task!